You know how you find lots of things annoying and you always say you're gonna make a list one day...just me? Okay. Well here's my list of things I find annoying...
1- Traffic
2- Driving behind city buses, trucks and school buses
3- People with really short finger nails
4- People who beep the horn like a crazy person for no apparent reason. Really, Is beeping the horn gonna make you go any faster?!
5- Vegetarians
6- School
7- People who misspell words on AIM on purpose. I mean, really, why spell "like" "lyke". Its the same amount of letters. Makes no sense. Oh and when they use numbers as letters like instead of "numbers", it'll be "numb3rs". Absolutely useless.
8- When you see something everyday in the same spot and when you finally need it, you can't find it.
9- When your in the mood for something like really really bad and its nowhere to be found in the house.
10- Black and White movies
11- School
12- Teachers who act like we have no other class besides theirs (not you, professor :)
13- Watching baseball in non-HD. Actually watching anything in non-HD for that matter.
14- Doing the dishes. This should have been number one.
15- Girls who wear way too much make-up
16- Radio stations that play the same song over and over. Take notes, Z100. I think we heard Chris Brown's "With you" the first bajillion times you played it.
17- School
18- Picking up the phone and not knowing who it is.
19- When your blog doesn't look the way you want it to. (Notice how in some paragraphs, the sentences are closer together and in others, theres space...WHY?! )
20 - Boring books *cough*TheCurveofBindingEnergy*cough*
21 - Slow internet
22 -Internet explorer. Go get firefox!
23- Did I mention school?
Well, that was longer than I expected. I could probably go on and on but really, who has the time?
Monday, March 17, 2008
Things I Find Annoying....
Posted by Hanna D. at 4:11 PM 1 comments
7 Months Later...
The day that changed my life (ok, not really but whatever) was September 6, 2007. It started out as a normal day. I was backing out of the driveway to go school, just like every other day of the week. Except when I'm actually out of the driveway I see this tiny thing at the bottom of my driveway. I knew whatever it was it was alive but I wasn't sure exactly what it was. So I drive my car closer to this "thing" and what do I see but a tiny tiny tiny(did I mention tiny?) kitten curled up into a ball. I really wanted to bring it into the house but I didn't have time to get out of the car and bring it in since I was already late to class (stupid class >:-( . So I called my house and told my mom to bring it in the house. Now my mom hates cats (actually she hates all animals. Mean, I know..) but she agreed because it was my little brothers birthday and she wanted to surprise him with a cat in the house. We said were going to feed him for a few days and then let him go.
I promised myself that I would never have another pet after my disappointing pet rabbit (let’s not talk about that), But really, this all happened out of nowhere. When we first found him, I was afraid to touch him. I used to be scared of cats before him. I remember even wearing gloves when I would (if I did at all) touch him (stop laughing!). I also never got how people can become so attached to an animal before. I used to think these people were just lonely and needed animals for friends. It’s like, it’s just an animal, it doesn't have feelings and emotions.
Boy, have things changed.
His name is Izzy (shut up, it is a boys name!) and he’s my little baby. I don’t know when I became so emotionally attached to him. I never thought I’d care so much about an animal. But I do. Yeah sure, I don’t feed him (my brother does) or clean his litter box (uh..ew) but I really do care a lot about him. My father always says he wishes we never kept him because of how attached my brothers and I have become to him (my brother would never admit but he really does care about him). And even though he does a whole lot of things that get on my nerves, like when he scratches me or bites me or when he runs to the door when I’m leaving the house so he can run outside or…or…OR..when he gets his butt stuck under the huge shelf all because he wants a tiny piece of plastic and starts screaming and making weird noises like some insane person and I panic cause I have no idea what to do (ok, that happened once)... but still, he makes it hard to hate him. Because then he’ll sit on my lap whenever I’m on the computer or he’ll rub himself on me in the morning or look at me with those pretty eyes. Really, it’s hard. Sometimes I wish he was ugly because that’ll definitely make things a little easier. My father always threatens that we’re gonna wake up one day and he wont be there but I know he doesn’t mean it. He claims he doesn’t like him but really, he does. I mean, he spent lots of money to get him neutered. That’s love.
Posted by Hanna D. at 12:11 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
A National Treasure
As I was flipping through the channels I stumbled across the movie National Treasure. I didn’t think it was that good of a movie, especially since Nicholas Cage was in it, but I was wrong. The movie was actually really good. The plot kept me thinking and was actually a very intelligent movie. It was similar to the hit TV show House, where you are trying to solve a mystery and keep guessing along with the characters and you never know the end result until it actually happens.
The movie is about a guy named Ben Gates and his sidekick Riley, who are after a mythical treasure. This treasure was hidden by our founding fathers and they must go from clue to clue to find the treasure. In the beginning they realize they need to get the Declaration of Independence because there is a “treasure map” on the back of it. After much conflict Ben ends up with the Declaration of independence and finds a cipher, on the back of it that leads him to another clue in the Philadelphia museum. After a series of clues in Philadelphia, Ben ends up with a clue that leads him to Wall St. and Broadway. From there he gets into a lot of trouble and in the end…. Well you got to find out for yourself. They made a sequel to the movie, but that’s for another blog entry, so stay tuned
Posted by Hanna D. at 9:14 PM 0 comments